About Checking Permissions with django-guardian in a Template Generically
Django Guardian template tag {% get_obj_perms %}
returns a list of allowed permission codenames, such as "change_song" or "change_video". If your template accepts multiple types of objects, it might seem tricky to check if "change_thatthing" is in the list of permissions. But you can still do it by checking for the existence of "change_" in the list, joined to a string:
{% load guardian_tags %}
{% get_obj_perms request.user for obj as "obj_perms" %}
{% if "change_" in obj_perms|join:"|" %}
<a href="{{ obj.get_change_url }}">
Change {{ obj.title }}
{% endif %}
Tips and Tricks Programming Permissions Django 4.2 Django 3.2 Django 2.2 django-guardian
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