About Background Tasks
In Django, managing time-consuming processes within views is commonly done using background tasks.
Background tasks are functions handled by a task queue system such as Celery, Huey, or RQ. When triggered from a Django view, a task is sent to a broker, which acts as a storage system for task descriptions. Popular brokers include Redis, RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, Apache Kafka, or even a database table.
To execute these tasks, a worker process (or multiple workers) must be running. Workers fetch tasks from the broker and process them in the background, allowing the Django application to remain responsive while handling long-running operations.
Django can optionally include a progress model to track the status of each task. Progress updates can be communicated back to the user interface using Ajax or WebSockets, providing real-time feedback to users.
This mechanism allows Django to handle tasks like sending notification emails, generating PDFs, performing complex calculations, calling external APIs, or synchronizing data asynchronously and efficiently.
Programming Architecture Development Django 5.x Django 4.2 Django 3.2 Huey Celery
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