About Creating New Files from the macOS Finder

One feature that Windows users might miss on macOS is creating new empty files directly in the files explorer.

A similar feature can be created using Quick Actions in Automator.app.

1. Open Automator.app.

2. Choose "Quick Action".

3. Set "Workflow receives current folders in Finder.app"

4. Set Image to "+ Add".

5. Add "Run AppleScript" action.

6. Use this script:

on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
        set fileName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter filename:" default answer "untitled.txt")
        set currentPath to (POSIX path of (target of front window as alias))
        do shell script "touch '" & currentPath & fileName & "'"
    end tell
end run

7. Save the automation as "New File".

The automation setup will look like this:

Automation setup

Now if you right click on any folder, you'll have Quick Actions ➔ New File there.

Adding new file

By clicking on it, you can set a filename.

Setting the filename

And an empty file will be created in that folder.

New empty file created

Developer Experience macOS