About Generating SVG Images on the Fly
You can create SVG images in Django views on the fly using the svgwrite
package, as follows:
from django.http import HttpResponse
import svgwrite
def create_svg(request):
drawing = svgwrite.Drawing(
size=("100%", "100%"), profile="tiny"
center=("50%", "50%"), r="20%", fill="#215a00"
center=("50%", "50%"), r="10%", fill="#fff"
svg_data = drawing.tostring()
return HttpResponse(svg_data, content_type="image/svg+xml")
Tips and Tricks Programming Django 5.x Django 4.2 Django 3.2 Python 3 SVG svgwrite
Also by me
Django Paddle Subscriptions app
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Django GDPR Cookie Consent app
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